Some words in the English dictionary look very similar despite having different spelling and pronunciation. When we observe closely to these words you will find the only difference is placement of some alphabets in the words. One popular example is of the words Beign or Being or Begin, these words have the same alphabets but are placed differently.
In this article, I will describe the words Beign or Being or Being, so that it will become quite easy for you to understand the difference between these words.
Here we go –
Beign or Being or Begin
Meaning of Beign – When I wrote the word beign, on my device it was showing a red line under the word, which means it is incorrect. The word beign have no meaning in the English Dictionary, So we can say that the word beign is the misspelling of the words “Being or Begin”.
The reason behind the formation of the incorrect word beign is the placement of some alphabets. In comparison with the word “being ” there is misplacement of the alphabet ‘n’ and ‘g’. And when we compare it with the word “begin” there we find the misplacement of the letter ‘i’ and ‘g’.
Beign older you have the responsibility of your whole house.
The working hours of this office beigns at 10 O’clock.
Honestly, I was not the reason for the beigning of the fight.
Meaning of Being – The word Being describes the existence of something. The verb is the present participle of ‘be’. It means being alive or living.
Human beings are developing the world day by day.
Being a sole proprietor I have to bear all loss of my business alone.
You will understand my pain only after being in my shoes.
Meaning of Begin – The word begin means the starting point of something new. In other words begin means the origin of any venture or work.
The work of the construction site has not begun yet.
Whenever it rains she begins to sing.
The movie shoot will begin soon.
Conclusion –
To avoid the mistake of “Beign or Being or Begin” and words like these, it is good to look closely at the spelling after writing any of these words. It is clear above that the word beign doesn’t exist in the English dictionary. The other two words Being and Begin are the words with their particular meaning.
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Hope this article has cleared all your doubts and you will be able to identify the difference between these words.