Putting or Puting – Which One Do You Consider Correct?

Putting or Puting

The English language is so predictable that if you change a single letter in a word it can change the meaning of the whole word or sentence, and it can also make your word as well as sentence incorrect. So it is better to take the help of rules while making changes in the world.

This often happens with the words Puting or Putting. People think that it is easy to change a word from Present Indefinite to Present Continuous. They think adding ‘ing’ to the root word will make the word into Present Continuous tense but it does not always work.

In context with the word ‘put’, people often get confused and misplace the correct spelling with the wrong one. And also becomes the topic of discrepancy among many people.

Read the full article, to understand the difference between ‘Putting or Puting‘, and also the correct way to add ‘ing’ to the word for changing it in Present Continuous.


Putting or Puting | Putting Vs Puting

·        Meaning of Putting

The word Put means to move to a specific place or thing. Changing the word ‘put’ into its Present Continuous tense follows the rule of doubling the last letter if the letter before the last letter is a vowel. So the correct way of changing the root word put is –

 Put + ing =Putting.


I am putting your food on the dining table.
Why are you not putting the money in the Bank?
These two career options are putting me in a big confusion of making choices.


·        Meaning of Puting

Puting is an incorrect word, it doesn’t deliver any meaning. This mistake occurs because of not following the rule of doubling the last letter. People generally write the root word put and add ‘ing’ to it and think of it as the correct word which is not so.


Why are you not puting your stuff in your baggage? (incorrect)
Puting me in this horrible situation, you are thinking of running away. (incorrect)
The government is puting a tax on beer. (incorrect)

The final words

I hope this article will clearly define the difference between ‘Putting or Puting’ .Many of us make this mistake because of similar spellings and pronunciations. The best way to remember the correct spelling is the law of doubling the last word and adding ‘ing’ to it.

I hope you have found this article helpful and it made you understand the concept of changing the present indefinite tense to present continuous tense and the meaning of putting as well.

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