In this blog we are going to tell you about Difference between Sea Salt and Himalayan Salt, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.
Salt is a chemical compound which is quite essential for both human and animal health. There are two main types of salt: Himalayan Salt and Sea Salt which may have variations in color, taste, texture and health benefits.
What is Sea salt?
Sea salt is produced by the evaporation of seawater and its main component is sodium chloride. It can vary in terms of mineral contents because it is found from one part of the world to another. It is extracted using salt evaporation pans (ponds) that are shallow and very large in area and modern methods.
The color of sea salt can vary from gray to pink and green to black. The granules of sea salt tend to be larger and coarser as compared to the regular table salt. Also, the crystals of sea salt are often moist than Himalayan salt, which do not dissolve quickly and give a crunchy flavor to food. It contains many minerals such as potassium, zinc and iron. Sea salt is preferred over table salt due to its major health benefits.
What is Himalayan salt?
Himalayan salt is mined from a mountain range that is found in Pakistan in the Punjab region. Minerals present aside in the salt include sodium chloride, chromium, zinc, copper, iron and lead. In addition, it may also contain magnesium, calcium, potassium and sulfates. Himalayan salt is excavated from the mountains where it is trapped. There are many traditional methods used by miners to remove the salt.
The color of the Himalayan salt granules is often off-white, pink or red due to the presence of oxides. The crystals are usually very dry and the granules tend to be much larger than the granules found in ordinary table salt. Chefs use it in heavy quantities as it dissolves quickly and can be used extensively where it needs to have a rapidly melting salt. Himalayan salt can be used to flavor food and its slabs are used to make baking stones and serving dishes.
Difference between Sea salt and Himalayan salt
- Definition – Sea salt is produced after the evaporation of seawater while Himalayan salt is mined from the mountains in Pakistan.
- Extraction – Sea salt is extracted using evaporation pans and various modern methods while Himalayan salt is extracted using traditional methods and hand mining.
- Color – The color of sea salt can vary from off-white to pink, greenish or black whereas the color of Himalayan salt may be of off-white, pink or red.
- Granules – Sea salt has granules that are moist compared with Himalayan salt which has very dry granules.
- Melting – Sea salt granules do not melt easily while Himalayan salt granules do melt easily.
- Uses – Sea salt can be used in cooking and as a scrub for the skin whereas Himalayan salt can be used in cooking to add flavor to food, baking dishes, serving trays and salt lamps.
Final words
Salt has a major role in the life of humans and Himalayan Salt and Sea Salt are the most popular varieties which have granules larger than conventional table salt and used extensively all over the world.
We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about Difference between Sea Salt and Himalayan Salt. Thanks for reading this blog.
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