Difference between Pork and Bacon

Difference between Pork and Bacon

In this blog we are going to tell you about Difference between Pork and Bacon, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.


Pork and bacon are one of the popular meat varieties of the pig.  When the meat is in its raw state then it is called pork and if it is in cured state then pork becomes bacon or ham. Both these palatable meats are differentiated by the curing process. Pork was originally cured or salted to preserve before refrigeration was available.  It refers to the entire animal while bacon is specifically made from the sides and back of the pig.  

What is Pork?

Pork is the most widely consumed form of meat from a pig which is extremely popular in Asian countries because of its texture and fat content.  Pigs are easy to feed and its meat is appealing due to its smell and sweet taste. Once the pork is cured it can be eaten or cooked to add fat and flavor to meals. Being a very versatile meat, it is widely used in international cooking. Uncooked or undercooked pork is dangerous to eat and the flesh of the pig is host to many forms of parasites including tapeworm. With a high content of fat and protein, pork is used in many delicacies. It is enjoyed in many different countries but it is especially enjoyed in Asian cuisine.

What is Bacon?

Bacon is a meat product which is made from cured pork. It is cut from the side of the pork and includes the back, belly and sides but not the head and feet. In the curing process, the pork is soaked in salt water and then smoked by burning wood dust under the pork that adds the flavor in it. The cured meat can be eaten in its raw or smoked state or cooked further.

Bacon is used to produce fat for cooking in the form of lardons and induce flavor and moisture into a joint of meat. It is a favored side dish with various delicacies including eggs, sandwiches, soups, burgers and others. The best part about the bacon is that the curing process makes it fit to be consumed directly without any additional cooking requirements.

Difference between Pork and Bacon

  • Popularity – The versatility of pork and its texture make it a popular form of protein and bacon is widely used to flavor dishes and make pork products.
  • Function – Pork and bacon are edible products from a pig in which bacon goes through a curing process to get to its functional state as cured meat.  
  • Varieties – There are different breeds of pig which result in different types of pork generally offered.  Bacon has different curing processes and different flavors as it can be used in its raw cured state or cooked.
  • Value – Pork adds meat to many dishes while bacon adds flavor.

Final words

Both pork and bacon are fan favorites and these meat variants are always loved by foodies. They have become one of the most popular meats especially in Asian cooking to add wonderful flavorings to a variety of dishes due to their pleasant texture and sweetness.


We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about Difference between Pork and Bacon. Thanks for reading this blog.

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