In this blog we are going to tell you about Difference between Double Cheeseburger and McDouble, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.
Among various types of burgers, double cheeseburger and McDouble sandwich are provided by McDonald. These two varieties have similar texture and taste and are very popular among food lovers.
People usually get confused with each other and think both burgers are the same and find it hard to distinguish them. In reality, these are completely two different types of burgers.
What is a Double Cheeseburger?
The double cheeseburger is one type of the burger which is known for the amount of cheese in the sandwich. This sandwich has two slices of regular buns, burger patties, pasteurized process American cheese combined with some salads and the other ingredients are similar to the components in other burgers including pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard. Due to the high level of cholesterol and sodium, this type of burger is not considered as healthy food.
What is the McDouble?
McDouble is one of the people’s favorite sandwiches offered by McDonald’s which is highly known for its two hamburger patties and single piece of cheese. It also contains some other ingredients including onions, ketchup, mustard and pickles. It has been named after the restaurant and has been featured in the dollar menu which makes it a popular sandwich among various customers. It is a product of McDonald’s and no other companies have the right to sell this. There are many extraordinary burgers available in the market but many media outlets claim that it is one of the cheapest and most nourishing foods. McDouble also contains relatively less cholesterol and sodium and has become a very popular meal in America.
Difference between Double Cheeseburger and McDouble
- Number of Cheese – Double cheeseburger has two slices of cheese combined with other salads while on the other hand, McDouble has one slice of cheese combined with other common ingredients. For preparing both the Double Cheeseburger and McDouble, the number of cheese slices provides the primary difference between the two burgers.
- Prices – The double cheeseburger is relatively expensive as compared to the McDouble which is attributed to the number of cheese in the sandwich.
- Dryness – McDouble is dry and less juicy while the double cheeseburger is juicy and greasy. It can be explained by the fact that the double cheeseburger has two cheese pieces which increases the amount of liquid in the burger.
- Taste and Popularity – Due to the extra cheese pieces, the double cheeseburger has an excellent taste which makes it popular among the customers with a burger craving. McDouble has an ordinary taste and popularity among foodies.
- Nutritional Composition – Although the two burgers contain similar ingredients except for the number cheese, the amount of composition differs from one burger to the other.
McDouble has a significantly lower composition of nutrients as compared to the double cheeseburger.
Final words
Both Double Cheeseburger and McDouble are very popular fast-food dishes with high levels of protein and carbohydrates. These two are among favorite sandwiches that are offered by fast food giant, McDonald’s. These burger varieties provide high levels of energy with good taste. It is advised to all foodies to resist their temptation and enjoy these delicious burgers to remain away from obesity and other health issues.
We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about Difference between Double Cheeseburger and McDouble. Thanks for reading this blog.
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