Difference Between Corona and Modelo

Difference Between Corona and Modelo

In this blog we are going to tell you about Difference Between Corona and Modelo, so read this blog carefully to get the complete information.

With summer in full swing and beach and poolside vacations on the increase, there has never been a better time to opt for a crisp and refreshing beer. There is no one beer that is perfect for everyone. Today, numerous internationally renowned beer brands exist, and many nations have robust beer industries. Beer has become more of a community in recent years, and it differs from others in that it delivers an inexpensive, consumable luxury. If you ask any number of beer enthusiasts to make a list of their top 10 beers, it will almost certainly include Corona and Modelo.

Corona and Modelo, long relatively unknown in the United States, have both become popular imported beers among American consumers, ranking sixth and seventh in the country’s best-seller list. Furthermore, despite its shaky link to the new coronavirus, Brand Finance estimates Corona to be the world’s most valuable beer brand, with total revenue of more than $5.8 billion in 2020.  Modelo isn’t far behind, ranking eighth on the list with a total revenue of more than $3.3 billion.

What is Corona?

Corona beer is one of the world’s best-selling beer brands and the best-selling beer in Mexico. Corona is Mexico’s biggest export brand, with sales in over 150 countries. Corona has grown from having no footprint in the United States three decades ago to being the leading imported beer in the country today. Corona has considerably outsold the world’s number two beer, Heineken. Corona comes in two varieties: Corona Extra and Corona Light.

Its light brown Corona Extra beer is one of the world’s best-selling beers and is famously served with a slice of lime. The flagship Corona Extra has 4.6 percent alcohol by volume and 3.6 percent alcohol by weight, making it somewhat bitterer than a standard bigger. A second Corona Light with 3.4 percent alcohol by volume is also available.

What is Modelo?

Modelo is a well-known beer brand made by Grupo Modelo, which is owned by the same parent corporation, AB InBev. Modelo is Mexico’s second most popular beer and the third most popular beverage in the United States. Modelo is sold in two varieties: Modelo Especial and Modelo Negra. The Negra Modelo, often known as “the cream of the beer,” is Mexico’s best-selling dark beer, with a rich, savoury flavour that finds a great mix of caramel, black malt, and hops for a delightfully smooth taste. Especial is a clear, crisp beer brewed using quality two-row barley grain. It has an orange blossom honey scent with a subtle trace of herb. Modelo Especial is also the third most imported brand in the United States, and it is a light, crisp Pilsner-style beer with a rich and pleasant flavour.

Difference between Corona and Modelo

  1. The main difference between Corona and Modelo is that Corona has an alcohol content ranging from 3.4 percent to 4.8 percent by volume and has a lighter aroma and crisper flavour, whereas Modelo has an alcohol content ranging from 3.5 percent to 5.4 percent by volume and has a richer and fuller flavour.
  2. Corona comes in four varieties: Corona familiar, light, extra, and premier. And Modelo comes in four varities: Especial, Light, Chelada, and Negra.
  3. Corona has a lighter aroma while Modelo has a stronger aroma.
  4. Corona has a crispier taste while Modelo has a richer and fuller taste.
  5. Corona is the best-selling beer in Mexico and the most popular imported beer in the United States while Modelo is Mexico’s second best-selling beer and the second most popular imported beer in the United States.


We Hope this blog is sufficient enough to provide the information about Difference Between Corona and Modelo. Thanks for reading this blog.

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