Once I was reading an article, and there came the word ‘Consistant’. I stared at the word for a few seconds and then thought, is this the correct spelling?
It usually happens that people misplace words like ‘Consistant or Consistent’ for one another because of the similarity in spelling and pronunciation.
If you notice these two words, the only difference between these two words is the replacement of ‘a’ with ‘e’ which makes one word correct while the other incorrect.
One thing you need to remember is that no one is the master of the English language, so anyone can make mistakes but to avoid those mistakes, it is always better to check the dictionary before using words in the sentences.
So, In this article, I will explain to you the difference between these two words Consistant Or Consistent and help you understand the usage of the correct word in sentences.
Consistant Vs Consistent | Consistant Or Consistent
· Meaning of Consistant
The word ‘Consistant’ is a misspelling of the ideal word “Consistent”. If you look closely at these two words, you will notice that they are formed from the root word ‘Consist’. And the error occurs on adding ‘ant’ instead of ‘ent’ which makes the word incorrect.
If you work consistantly, success will be yours. (incorrect)
Being consistant requires concentration and punctuality. (incorrect)
I am very consistant in article writing because I love to convey my messages through my articles. (incorrect)
There is a slight spelling difference between Consistant and Consistent.
· Meaning of Consistent
The word ‘Consistent’ serves as an adjective and it means showing firmness and punctuality. It could also mean being steady and even.
In other words, it could mean following a regular pattern continuously. And it also means having a common solution or direction.
Your consistent efforts will surely take your company to heights.
You need to stay consistent in your practice as this is how you will improve.
Politicians are never consistent with their works.
He is consistent towards his work as he always reaches the office exactly at 8 in the morning.
The Final Words
The two words ‘Consistant’ and ‘Consistent’ are confusing enough to misplace for one another but the best way to remember that ‘Consistent’ is the correct word while ‘Consistant’ is incorrect is that you should remember, it is ‘tent’ not ‘tant’. So it will be easy to recognize the correct word.
I hope this article was helpful and you have understood the difference between these two words (Consistant Or Consistent).