If you are a graduate student, you must be familiar with these two words- Thesis and Dissertation.
If you do not know the meaning, differences, and similarities between thesis and dissertation, you are landed on the right page as we...
When people see words like 'Voracity or Veracity' they often misplace them for each other due to similarities in spelling and pronunciation. If you look closely at these words, you will observe that the only difference between these two...
No one is the master of the English language, no matter how much knowledge and command you possess in the English language you can't always remember its rules. So I always suggest checking the dictionary or checking a good...
Once I was reading an article, and there came the word 'Consistant'. I stared at the word for a few seconds and then thought, is this the correct spelling?
It usually happens that people misplace words like 'Consistant or Consistent'...
I read somewhere that to get a driving license in the United States, one must have done enough practice over a specific time to get better at it. After reading this, I wondered if the 'Licence' spelling is correct...
Many people often get confused with words like 'Mistrust Or Distrust' and misplace them for one another. Although they are almost the same, there are few things you need to consider to use these words in the right context...
The English language has many rules, for example, in some words, we just add 's or es' to make it plural while the words which end with the letter 'y' are replaced by 'ies'. Most people must be thinking...
Some words often confuse us while writing because of the similarity in their meanings and usage in the sentences. The same thing happens with the words 'Sentient or Sapient' as both direct to the reaction in a human being's...
I was reading a letter from my friend and he has written a statement that 'The President will adress the nation in today's show.' I wonder if it was a genuine mistake or does the word 'adress' mean something...
A brag sheet is a form that you submit to your lecturer or guidance counselor so that they can write you a letter of recommendation. It has an important role in college applications.
It is somewhat similar to a resume...