Homophones are words with the same pronunciation and sometimes have a little similarity in spelling as well. If two words are homophones of each other then it is not compulsory that both the words will be correct, it can...
Most people get confused with the words 'Liaise OrLaise' because of the similarity in spelling and pronunciation. Although there is a difference of letter 'i' in the spellings, they are often misplaced for one another.
So, today I will explain...
Most people get confused in writing the spelling of homophones because they have similar pronunciations. The same thing happens with the words 'Amature or Amateur' as they have somewhat similar spelling and pronunciation. Although, one of these words is...
Some words in the English dictionary look very similar despite having different spelling and pronunciation. When we observe closely to these words you will find the only difference is placement of some alphabets in the words. One popular example...
The English language is a very unique and exceptional language such that misplacement of a single letter in a word can change the whole meaning or can make it incorrect as well. The similar thing happens with words 'Responce...
Most people get confused with the words 'encase Or In case' whether they have similar or different meanings. So let me clear one thing first that they both have different meanings so you have to use them properly according...
When I wrote 'Persue' on my laptop it shows the word is incorrect and should be replaced by 'Pursue'. The word 'Persue' may seem correct but it doesn't exist in the English language dictionary. Some say that it is...
The English language is quite different from other languages, it has many rules but sometimes it doesn't follow its own rules. Some words of English are Created by adding suffixes to the end of the main word to form...
Many people have differences of opinion. Some say that we should write 'Goodnight' without a space between words while others say that it should be written as 'Good night' with a space between words.
According to the Oxford Advanced Dictionary,...
Sence and Sense are words that are pronounced the same way. These two words are homophones of each other so because of similarity in pronunciation and spelling people often get confused about which one is correct between "Sence or...