Busses or Buses – What Is The Exact Difference Between Both The Words?

Busses or Buses

People often get confused while writing the plural form of the word ‘bus’. It is very difficult to recognize which one is correct – “Busses or Buses”. No matter how many commands you have on English grammar, you will find out many words which create confusion, and this confusion not only occurs in your mind but also occurswith Intellectuals of English.

So let me tell you both the words – Busses or Buses are correct but both have a lot of differences in their meanings. Thus, interchanging both the words in a sentence can change the meaning of the whole sentence or can make the whole sentence incorrect.

Today, In this article you will be able to understand the difference between “Busses or Buses” and the meaning of both words.


Busses vs Buses

·        Meaning of Buses

According to the research, the word Bus came from the Latin word ‘omnibus’ which simply means “for all”. The bus is a vehicle or a means of road transportation. The word Buses is the plural form of Bus. Buses are generally used by passengers for traveling or moving their luggage or goods from one place to another.


I missed my bus but I am not worried because many other buses are scheduled after half an hour.
The school provides a good facility for buses so that it will save the time of parents and students as well.
All the buses from Lucknow to Hyderabad are canceled for today because of heavy rain.


·        Meaning of Busses

The word Busses is the plural form of the word buss. In the English dictionary, the word buss exactly means ‘kiss’. This word is not commonly used because it has a very simple meaning: kiss. So if anyone wants to talk or write about kissing, he or she will use the word kiss instead of using buss.


The Hollywood movie contains a lot of buss scenes.
And the movie ended happily with a buss between the couple.
I want to give a lot of busses to my future baby.
Most people prefer to use the word ‘kisses’ instead of ‘busses’.

The final tip

Homophones are confusing while writing so it is always better to check the dictionary before using it. Further, the difference between ‘Buses or Busses’ is that ‘Buses’ are means of transportation while ‘Busses’ is another word for kisses.

I hope this article was helpful and it has cleared all your doubts.

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