Berhampur New Bus Stand Enquiry Number

Berhampur New Bus Stand

Brahmapur (sometimes spelled Berhampur) is a city in the Indian state of Odisha, located on the eastern shore of Ganjam district. Bramhapur is well-known for its street cuisine, silk sarees (pato sarees), temples, and historical sites. Bramhapur is also known as the Food Capital of Odisha and the Silk City of India.

The newly built bus terminal in Haladiapadar, about 5 kilometres from the city, opened on July 1, 2018. Ganjam Collector Prem Chandra Choudhury has issued required instructions to various agencies in this respect. Berhampur Development Authority (BeDa) began construction on the new bus terminal, which cost Rs 12.87 crore, in 2014 and was finished in 2016. The terminal, which was opened by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, was never operational for a variety of reasons.

This is Berhampur’s second bus stop. RamaKrishna Nagar is nearby. MKCG Medical and Khallikote College is closer.

Berhampur Bus Stand Enquiry No. – 94370-76289
Organization:- Odisha State Road Transport Corporation (OSRTC)
TOLL FREE NUMBER(S):- 1800 345 1122 (General Support / Complaint, 10 am – 6 pm)
Website:- Official Website

Email:- (Online Booking) (General Support / Complaint)