Are Massage Chairs Safe to Use While Pregnant?

massage chairs

It can be difficult to find time to go to a spa when you’re pregnant, which is why massage chairs can be an excellent alternative. Massage chairs offer all of the benefits of a professional massage without the added costs and hassle of having to travel somewhere else.

If you’re looking for a way to relax, then getting a pregnancy massage may be just what you need!

A Convenient Solution

Many women are turning to massage chairs as a more convenient solution. Massage Chairs are easy to use because all you have to do is sit down and relax. They’re also easy to store since they take up very little space.

Plus, massages can cost upwards of $100 per treatment at most spas or salons. For busy mothers who want the benefits of relaxing massages, but don’t have time for expensive spa appointments, massage chairs offer great value for money. And they’re often more affordable than visiting a professional masseuse!

Massage chairs are an excellent way to relax after a long day at work or when you’re feeling especially stressed out from pregnancy hormones.

Check With a Doctor

If you’re having a high-risk pregnancy, it’s always best to talk to your doctor first. If there are any concerns about your baby’s health or development, you shouldn’t use a massage chair.

However, if your doctor has given the okay for you to use a massage chair and feel comfortable doing so, that is perfectly fine as well! Just remember that every pregnancy is different and there are no hard-and-fast rules.

Some Exceptions

Some pregnancy-related conditions might make it uncomfortable for you to use a massage chair.

Before you buy a massage chair, it’s important to check with your doctor. Some pregnancy-related conditions might make it uncomfortable for you to use a massage chair.

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart condition
  • Nausea or vomiting, if so, try avoiding massaging the abdomen)
  • Lower back pain

During the First Trimester

As long as you aren’t in the first trimester of your pregnancy, using a massage chair should be safe.

For example, if you’re in the second or third trimester and have no history of miscarriage, you should be fine to use one. If that’s not the case for you and if it’s been three months since your last period and no babies have started kicking yet, it would probably be wise to stay away from massaging chairs until you’ve given birth and know everything is ok.

While there haven’t been any studies done specifically on pregnant women using massage chairs, some research suggests that massaging during pregnancy doesn’t harm fetuses. However, we recommend discussing this with your OB/GYN before making an appointment for a massage.

Getting a Massage During Pregnancy Can Help You

Massage chairs are a great way to get relief from stress, tension, and anxiety. Regularly using a massage chair during pregnancy can help you feel less stressed and less anxious. Massage chairs have been shown to reduce both pain and anxiety in pregnant women.

Pregnancy causes many changes in the body, including increased swelling and fluid retention that makes it more difficult for your muscles to relax. This can lead to muscle aches and pains as well as headaches due to poor posture while sitting or standing still for long periods, like when watching TV.

Massage chairs can help you sleep better too! If you have trouble sleeping at night because of aches or pains in your body then massaging those areas will help loosen them up. And doing so will help you not wake up with soreness.

Additional Tips About Sleeping During Pregnancy

Lying down at night on top of bed sheets made out of cotton fabric tends not only to wear out easily but also makes people sweat more than usual during summertime months.

A good way therefore would be to buy fabric made from synthetic materials such as polyester instead, which might cost more money upfront but lasts longer than natural fibers like cotton cloths do over time.

You can also use an electric blanket instead since these provide some extra warmth without causing any irritation whatsoever during long periods where temperatures outside drop below freezing point.

Home or Office Massage Chairs Should Be Safe

As with any health-related issue, it’s always best to consult your doctor to make sure that you are in good enough health to use a massage chair.

If you are pregnant and have concerns about using a massage chair, talk to your doctor about the benefits of getting regular massages during pregnancy. Once they give you the green light, then there shouldn’t be any problems using one of these types of chairs.

There is some debate on whether or not pregnant women should get regular massages while they’re carrying their child, due to worries over a potential spinal injury. Many doctors believe that massage can help reduce stress levels and relax tense muscles which could lead to fewer aches and pains during pregnancy.

The consensus among medical professionals seems to be that as long as the masseuse doesn’t apply too much pressure when working on areas near the abdomen or pelvis, then most regular home or office massage chairs should be safe for use by most pregnant women. Applying too much pressure may cause discomfort.

A Final Note

Massage chairs are usually safe for pregnant women in their second trimester and beyond, though always check with your doctor first. If you’re having a high-risk pregnancy or are unsure if massage chairs are right for you, it’s always best to talk to your doctor first.