7 Tips for a More Eco-Friendly Business


Did you know 97% of scientists say humans are responsible for global warming? Many individuals are already attempting to lower their carbon footprint, and this is also an essential goal for modern companies.

But, what are the tips that can help you run an eco-friendly business? You may know of the effects of global warming and want to take action, but are unsure what your business can do to lower its impact on the environment. The good news is there are several steps you can take to help your company be kinder to your surroundings.

Let’s dive in and learn about making your business more eco-friendly. 

1. Reduce Energy Usage

Encourage employees to turn off the lights when rooms are empty, and to power down their computers at the end of the day. These small reductions in energy usage can add up to significant savings over an extended period. 

2. Partner with Green Suppliers

You are not alone in caring for the environment, and you could buy from suppliers that share your green values. As more and more businesses introduce environmental policies, you should find there is plenty of choice in the market so you don’t have to buy from more expensive companies. 

3. Offer Remote Working

One of the most overlooked eco-friendly tips is to give employees the option to work from home. This means they won’t be polluting the environment on their commute to work.

4. Have a Paperless Office

You’ll already be saving paper by communicating with most of your clients through phone calls and emails, and it’s possible you could reduce the amount of paper you use even further. Review your processes and determine if you can send and receive more information over the internet rather than writing letters.

5. Go Solar

A high-quality company such as Blue Raven Solar can help home-based businesses enjoy the benefits of solar panels. Generating electricity from sunlight is kinder to the environment and it can help lower your energy costs. 

6. Use Less Packaging

While you need to protect your products during transportation, you might not require as many packaging materials as you think. Ask local and online packaging companies if they have robust but compact solutions. 

7. Have a Recycling Policy

Recycling is a simple way of caring for the planet that takes little extra effort. Place recycling bins in convenient locations, and provide staff training as to which products should go into the various containers. Many employees will already recycle at home, so this should be a popular policy amongst your workforce. 

Start Running a More Eco-Friendly Business Today

You can feel more at ease when running an eco-friendly business as you’ll know you are reducing any harmful impact your working activities may have on the environment. There are many ways lower your carbon footprint, and you may want to consider allowing staff to work from home and using less packaging materials for your products. 

By implementing some key practices, you could minimize your company’s contribution to adverse ecological issues. 

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