Gage Or Gauge : Which one is correct?

Gage Or Gauge : Which one is correct?

The two homophones ‘Gage Or Gauge’ might be confused as one word is the misspelling of another but it is not so. The two words are similar in spelling and pronunciation but there is a huge difference in their meanings. So, using it in place of one another can make your sentence incorrect.

So, today in this article I will explain to you the difference between Gage Or Gauge by their meanings and help you understand their usage in sentences.

Meaning of Gage

Although the word is becoming obsolete in speeches and sentences, it does exist in the English dictionary. The word ‘Gage’ means something that is deposited as a pledge or for security reasons. It could also mean something that shows the guarantee of trust for good faith in dealing with someone. 



The only gage that I can give to guarantee this deal is my mom’s necklace.
I gage my most costly car to make sure I win this case.
I was asked to gage my bungalow to get the loan.
My father has to gage his only land to prove that he is innocent.

Meaning of Gauge 

The word ‘Gauge’ is an instrument that finds dimensions and capacity. It could also be known as an instrument for measuring pressure, fuel level and monitoring quantity. Gauge can be used as a noun or verb depending on the context of usage.


The petrol gauge is still on full.
We can use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.
The pilot checked the fuel gauge before the journey.
I have asked you to put a new gauge inside the drilling machine box.


How to remember the difference?

The only difference between the spelling of the words is the letter ‘u’ so we can remember the correct spelling of the tool by remembering the ‘U shape’ of a gauge which is used for measuring pressure, fuel level and monitoring quantity. So, the spelling of the measuring standard is ‘gauge’.

The final words

There is a very minor difference in the spelling of ‘Gage and Gauge’ so it is common to misplace them for one another. So it is always better to check the dictionary before using the homophones as they create most of the confusion because of the same spelling and pronunciation.

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I hope this article was helpful and you have understood the difference between the meaning of these two words.