Why there is a need for Eggless Cakes in India?

Eggless Cakes

What is the role of the egg in the cake in recipes? This is for those people who wonder why use egg on cake? I, for example, ate cake without eggs and it had practically the same flavor as the cake that uses eggs in the recipe. So what would be its function in the cake batter?

The main function of the egg is to bind, harden and firm up the dough. It is the egg that mixes the ingredients that alone would not mix, such as fat and milk. That’s because the egg contains lecithin which is a natural emulsifier, for those who don’t know, emulsifiers or emulsifiers are substances that make possible the formation or maintenance of a uniform mixture of two or more immiscible phases in the food.

Eggless cakes for Vegetarians

Making a sponge cake is great art in itself and eggs are normally added to the cake to make them entirely soft and spongy, so that it is a bit tough and almost impossible to make a cake in your own home if you have a specific diet or are a vegetarian.

Nobody would suggest that a group of individuals decided so long ago to express their awareness as to the necessity of respecting animal life. In particular in India, due of their religious and spiritual values, individuals are more prone to reject pastries using eggs. There was an overwhelming need for eggless cakes in a country like India where the majority of people are vegetarian, and now you can order eggless Chennai cake.

You can simply make this cake at home using this step-by-step recipe for egg-free sponge cake. Despite all of the vanilla, butter, or condensed milk cakes recipes this recipe does not work. It is used to make the cake puffy and spongy instead by using ingredients like yogurt, baking powder, and baking soda. When combined, yogurt and baking soda give the cake a spongy condition, while baking powder makes the cake buff.

To support Veganism

For reasons of health, ethics, and even fashion, veganism is more than a simple form of food, it is a way of life based on the conviction that human beings must live with animals and the environment in a peaceful way. Starting with food that excludes any type of meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, or honey (yes, honey is not produced for us, it is the food of the hardworking bees), passing through leather or wool clothing, and ending with the products of make-up and hygiene subjected to animal experiments, being vegan is not easy but also not as complicated as you usually think.

Order eggless cake here in Chennai Ordering eggless cakes from the best online bakery portal available in Chennai is the most finest and trustworthy option. As we mentioned, in India, people keep their religion as the priority especially in Hinduism, eating eggs or any eatable related to animal’s lives is a sin and in order to prevent or avoid that, eggless cake delivery in Chennai is the best option you can choose.